  • To Measure the Galactic extinction? From Cosmological Principle!

    A group from astronomers in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory have completed a systematical study on Galactic dust extinction recently. Taking advantage of the most up-to-date large sky area u band galaxy catalog from the South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS), this study has obtained statistical results with unprecedented ac...

    02 27, 2017
  • ATCA: More Accurate OH Maser Positions from the SPLASH Pilot Region

    OH masers, the first astrophysical maser ever detected in the space, opened an exciting and rapidly growing area of research. As a high-sensitivity survey of OH masers in our Galaxy, the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) has shown typical features of OH masers. However, due to its limited spatial resolution, it...

    02 24, 2017
  • Most-downloaded Paper: Dimming on the Sun related with Solar Explosions

    According to the Americal Astronomical Society (AAS) Nova Highlights, “The Nature of CME-Flare-Associated Coronal Dimming”, the Astrophysical Journal paper written by Dr. CHENG Jianxia from CAS Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Dr. QIU Jiong from ...

    01 19, 2017
  • A Seminar by Center for Astro-geodynamics Research

    The first seminar.Of Center for Astro - geodynamics Research was held at SHAO on January 10 th , which is also a part of serial seminars co-held by CAR ( Center for Astro-geodynamics Research ) and KLPS ( Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences , CAR ) .Dozens of researchers and students attended the seminar and made effective communi...

    01 16, 2017
  • A pair of monster black holes revealed in a nearby galaxy

    Recently , a second supermassive black hole with a compact radio jet has been surprisingly found by radio astronomers from China and Europe in the outskirts of the nearby giant spiral galaxy NGC.A PhD student supervised by Dr . LIU Xiang from Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory of China . “ Most likely , the jet is associated with a...

    11 09, 2016
  • Is Blazar Flux Variation in Complete Electromagnetic Spectrum Intrinsic?

    It is believed that blazars show flux variability in complete electromagnetic (EM) spectrum on all possible timescales varying from few minutes to several years. A recent study led by Alok C. Gupta, a visiting scientist of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) shows that blazars are not necessarily variable in all EM bands on ...

    10 14, 2016
  • The 10th English Salon by the Labour Union Group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research

    A wonderful English salon titled “ The Evolution of Different Cultures in Pakistan ” , as a part of serial activities by the labour union group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research , was held at SHAO on September 28th .Shan Munawar , from Pakistan , joined and , from a native ’ s perspective , led us into a splendid and ...

    10 12, 2016
  • The 9th English Salon by the Labour Union Group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research

    A fascinating English salon titled “An astronomer’s eyes above clouds, an amateur’s glance at aviation”, as a part of serial activities by the labour union group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research, was held at SHAO on August 8th. Dr. Dali Kong from University of Exeter, UK, with his own experience, joined and brought ...

    08 24, 2016
  • IAG/CPGPS International Conference on GNSS+ (ICG+ 2016)

    Nowadays , multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) have been developed and widely used , including US ' s GPS , Russia ' s GLONASS , China ' s BeiDou and EU ' s Galileo as well as regional systems .Shanghai , China . The recent advances , opportunities and challenges on GNSS were presented and discussed , including GNSS ...

    08 10, 2016
  • The 8th English Salon Was Held by the Labour Union Group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research

    As a part of serial activities by the labour union group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research , a fascinating English salon titled “ Sea Navigation ” was held at SHAO on July 6th .Andy Calabia from Spain joined and shared with us many practical techniques as well as great happiness .Researchers including several internati...

    07 14, 2016
  • A Presentation by Dr. Li Yiliang from the University of Hong Kong

    Dr . Li Yiliang , from Department of Earth Sciences , the University of Hong Kong , gave us a splendid presentation titled “ Astrobiology : The Origin , Evolution and Destiny of life in the Universe ” on invitation at SHAO , 5 July .With great enthusiasm , dozens of researchers and students attended the presentation and made effe...

    07 14, 2016
  • Revealing the outer reaches of the Milky Way with LAMOST

    An international team of researchers , led by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory , have uncovered a new technique for peering into the outer-most regions of our Galaxy .Left : An illustration showing the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy being devoured by the Milky Way . This process leaves long tails of debris stretching around our entire g...

    07 05, 2016
  • Discovery: The First Young Planetary Nebula Showing the Strongest 1720 MHz OH Maser

    In about 5 billion years, our sun will evolve to be a red giant, expanding out beyond the orbit of Venus. When our sun has used up its fuel, its core will collapse and its outer gas layer will be expelled by strong stellar winds. After being illuminated by the ultraviolet radiation of the hot luminous core, the dissipated gas laye...

    08 05, 2016
  • Zooming into the heart of candidate binary black holes with powerful radio techniques: only singles, no pairs

    [ June 8 , An international research team discovered single radio - luminous black holes from candidate binaries with powerful highest - resolution imaging techniques .The supermassive black hole ( up to billions of solar masses ) residing in the heart of the active galaxy is accreting material from its surroundings , and releasing...

    06 08, 2016
  • Shanghai TMRT discovered a new dense molecular cloud rich in long carbon-chain molecules

    Linear carbon-chain molecules like CnH , HCnN and CnS are observed to be abundant in cold dense clouds .To date , abundant long carbon-chain molecules have only been found in two molecular clouds – Taurus Molecular Cloud 1 ( TMC-1 ) and Lupus molecular cloud 1A ( Lupus-1A ) — and the envelop of a carbon star IRC +.On the column d...

    05 27, 2016