  • The international meeting on New Technologies for Probing the Diversity held

    The international meeting on《New Technologies for Probing the Diversity of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets》was successfully held in Jianguo Hotel, Shanghai from July 20th to July 24th. This is the first big international meeting on exoplanet science which was held in China

    08 03, 2009
  • The 4th international meeting on hot subdwarf stars held in Shanghai

    The 4th international meeting on hot subdwarf stars was held from July 20th to 24th in Shanghai. Hot subdwarf stars are important objects in the study of stellar evolution, binary evolution, Galactic structure, the UV-upturn phenomenon in elliptical galaxies, asteroseismology, model stellar atmospheres, and so on. Thus it has been ...

    07 30, 2009
  • Shanghai Radio Telescope participated in "100 Hours of Astronomy" with live webcast and e-VLBI observations

    [5 April 2009, Shanghai, China] - The Shanghai Radio Telescope of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) showcased the VLBI astronomical technique in the "100 Hours of Astronomy" with a live webcast on Saturday 4 April and e-VLBI observations on Friday 3 April and Sunday 5 April. “The 100 Hours of Astronomy” is a cornerston...

    04 08, 2009
  • The Shanghai Radio Telescope participates in marathon observation

    SHANGHAI, P.R. China (14 February 2009) - 17 Radio telescopes in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America successfully conducted a nearly continuous 33-hour e-VLBI observation of three quasars (J0204+1514, 0234+285 and 3C395) 15-16 January 2009. The virtual radio interferometer tracked the extra-galactic objects as ...

    02 16, 2009
  • 7th International e-VLBI Workshop at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory

    The 7th International e-VLBI Workshop was held in Shanghai, China, on 16-17 June 2008 ( It was organized by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and generously sponsored by Express Production Real-time e-VLBI Service (EXPReS), CAS and the National Natural Sc...

    09 18, 2008
  • Perseus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way much closer than thought

    The Milky Way appears to be made up of four main arms that curve around its centre like a pinwheel. "However, our view from the interior makes it difficult to determine its spiral structure," writes a team led by Ye Xu of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (ShAO) in China, in Science.

    09 07, 2008
  • Astronomers Get Closest Look Yet At Milky Way's Mysterious Core

    Astronomers have gotten their deepest glimpse into the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy, peering closer to the supermassive black hole at the Galaxy's core then ever before. Using the National Science Foundation's continent-wide Very Long Baseline Arr

    09 05, 2008