Chinese scientists have developed the first regional center prototype of the Square Kilometer Array ( SKA ) , the world ' s largest astronomical device .The prototype , developed by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences .Will hel...
11 22, 2019On a clear night in 1785 , William Herschel used his own telescope to observe as usual .The difference is that this night he found a very unusual celestial object in Corvus ( the Antennae Galaxy , Fig .Since then , such kind of celestial objects , called the merging galaxies , have fascinated countless astronomers .News Contact : Z...
07 19, 2019The Event Horizon Telescope ( EHT ) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a black hole .Today , in coordinated press conferences across the globe , EHT researchers reveal that they have succeeded , unveiling the first direct vis...
04 10, 2019Supposing a distant active black hole is vomiting towards you , what will you see ?Recently , a research group led by Prof . WANG Zhongxiang from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory discovered a month-long Quasi-Periodic Oscillation ( QPO ) from such a black hole .Since our viewing angle to the jet ’ s emission undergoes periodic ch...
11 27, 2018A research team led by Dr. KONG Dali from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences found that multiple possibilities of zonal winds structure could exist using the Juno spacecraft’s measurements. They also present some weaknesses in the earlier influential paper published on Nature. This work has been ...
09 06, 2018Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) held this year ’ s MWA Project Meeting from June 10 to June 13 , with supports from MWA Observatory Ministry of Science and Technology of the People ’ s Republic of China , SKA China Office .And Chinese Academy of Science . MWA Board Members , Director of MWA Management Group , Academici...
06 26, 2018Figure 1 : Image of the Sombrero Galaxy ( also known as M104 ) from Hubble space telescope ( upper ) .Recently , the structure of dust component in the Milky Way Galaxy has been accurately modeled revealing the most accurate scale of the Galactic dust distribution so far .News Contact : ZUO Wenwen , Shanghai Astronomical Observator...
05 15, 2018East Asia Very Long Baseline Interferometry ( EA VLBI Network , EAVN ) , a network composed of 21 radio telescopes from China , Japan and South Korea , has been astronomically operational and will begin scientific commissioning soon .To learn more about the EAVN , please contact : AN Tao , Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( http :...
02 05, 2018Complex organic molecules (COMs) are directly related to the origin of life on the Earth, thus understanding the property and formation mechanism of prebiotic molecules is key to study of astrobiology. Observations indicate that COMs are abundant in Galactic center giant molecular cloud Sagittarius B2 (Sgr B2). Sgr B2(N), the main ...
10 11, 2017APSG 2017 International Symposium of Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics ( APSG ) Program , with theme “ From Space Geodesy to Astro-Geodynamics ” , was successfully held in Shanghai , China , during 15-18 August .Meanwhile , it will not only deepen our understanding of the dynamics of the global Earth , but also monitor and study the...
09 08, 2017Among the high-redshift quasars, the radio-loud subsample constitutes an attractive group since the radio jets are directly related to the SMBH activity. Until now, more than 100 quasars have been detected at z > 5 while the fraction of radio-loud ones is about 10 percent. Recently, a science team led by Prof. AN Tao from Shanghai ...
03 24, 2017Compared with the observed annual deformations in GPS stations , they found that the seasonal GPS observations , the transverse displacements in particular , are better explained after considering the thermoelastic effects due to temperature variations .Annual contribution of the mass-loading ( blue line and arrow ) and deformation...
03 16, 2017It is found that the black hole mass, X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity follow a simple and linear relationship in logarithmic space, known as the “fundamental plane” of black hole activity. One key problem is, whether or not the quiescent AGNs follow the same fundamental plane as that of normal ones. Recently researchers fro...
02 28, 2017A group from astronomers in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory have completed a systematical study on Galactic dust extinction recently. Taking advantage of the most up-to-date large sky area u band galaxy catalog from the South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS), this study has obtained statistical results with unprecedented ac...
02 27, 2017OH masers, the first astrophysical maser ever detected in the space, opened an exciting and rapidly growing area of research. As a high-sensitivity survey of OH masers in our Galaxy, the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) has shown typical features of OH masers. However, due to its limited spatial resolution, it...
02 24, 2017