  • Important progress in the study of surface load seasonal signal from space geodesy at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS

    Recently, the Group of Satellite Navigation and Remote Sensing, led by Prof. Shuanggen Jin from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, investigated seasonal signals by the Earth’s surface loads using space geodetic observations. They studied displacements from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and ...

    07 24, 2023
  • Astronomers image for the first time a black hole expelling a powerful jet

    An international team of scientists led by Dr. Ru-Sen Lu from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) has used new millimetre-wavelength observations to produce an image that shows, for the first time, both the ring-like structure that reveals the matter falling into the central black hole and the powerful relativistic jet in ...

    04 27, 2023
  • Astronomers detected radio recombination lines of Carbon/Oxygen Ion for the first time

    Recently, a research team successfully detected radio recombination lines (RRLs) of ions heavier than helium for the first time using the TianMa 65-m Radio Telescope (TMRT), operated by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO). Those lines were assigned to carbon and/or oxygen ions allowing measurements of elemental abundances ...

    03 02, 2023
  • Astronomers probed the origin of optical variability of low-redshift emission-line galaxies

    Recently, astronomers from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used a sample of emission line galaxies in the COSMOS field with two-epoch narrowband imaging separated by 12 years to study their optical variability. Only a small fraction of galaxies was found showing optical variability. Such var...

    12 01, 2022
  • Scientists Tackled the Problem of Thermal Instabilities in Rotationally Flattened Fluid Spheroids

    Recently, researchers led by Dr. KONG Dali and Ph.D. student LI Wenbo from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) carried out linear onset analysis for thermal inertial convection in oblate spheroidal cavities, elucidating how thermal convection takes place in extremely rapidly rotatin...

    11 01, 2022
  • Astronomers conducted an unprecedented deep Q-band line survey towards Orion KL with the TMRT 65-m telescope

    A research team from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) has recently completed a deep Q-band line scanning survey towards Orion KL using the Tianma 65 m radio telescope (TMRT), achieving the widest frequency coverage (35--50 GHz) and the highest sensitivity (~mK) spectra so far. In total, about 600 emission lines were detecte...

    11 10, 2022
  • Astronomers find that denser and more turbulent environments tend to form multiple stars

    Astronomers studying stellar nurseries, the birthplace of stars in our galaxy, have found that nearly half of stars in the Galaxy are formed in binary/multiple stellar systems (think twins, triplets, quadruplets)

    07 12, 2022
  • Evidence of periodic accretion disk instability found in a nearby spiral galaxy

    Recently, an international team including Prof. Tao An from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) found evidence of periodic instability in the accretion disk of the nearby galaxy NGC4258 through the space VLBI observations of water masers. The observational results were obtained on the basi...

    07 06, 2022
  • A close encounter more than 10,000 years ago stirred up spirals in an accretion disk

    Dr. Xing Lu, an associate researcher from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with his collaborators from Yunnan University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and Max Planck Institute, have used high resolution observational data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (...

    05 30, 2022
  • First detection of the largest peptide-like molecule in space

    Recently , an international group led by Juan Li and Junzhi Wang from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) .Detected propionamide ( C2H5CONH2 ) toward Sagittarius B2 ( Sgr B2 ) for the first time with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array ( ALMA ) .This is the largest peptide-like molecule detected in space .The st...

    09 23, 2021
  • Mrk 231- The Immature Radio Quasar

    Active Galactic Nuclei ( AGN ) is a very special class of extragalactic objects .Quasars are extremely bright AGNs . Quasars can be divided into radio quiet and radio loud quasars according to the ratio of radio intensity relative to optical intensity of quasars .How the black hole at the center of the active galaxy affects its hos...

    04 15, 2021
  • JCMT and ALMA: Hunting for stellar nurseries in Orion

    Stars are known to form in so-called “ molecular clouds ” .Collections of cold gas and dust in the space between stars .These stellar nurseries can contain a number of dense clumps of gas and dust called “ prestellar cores " .Research has suggested that these cores are expected to exhibit concentrated structures within them - th...

    02 22, 2021
  • The “Lightsaber” Explained: An Analytical Model of Astrophysical Jet is Built

    Jets are ubiquitously in association with different celestial objects .The longest jet can reach a range 10 billion times longer than its initial radius , and the maximum jet velocity can reach up to 99.99% of the speed of light .The process of how jet launching , acceleration and collimation is one of the main unsolved problems in...

    02 08, 2021
  • A Novel Method to Weigh the Milky Way with Its "Missing" Baryons

    The Milky Way (MW), the Galaxy that we reside in, contains many mysteries. Astronomical observations have provided strong evidence that the Galaxy is dominated by dark matter, while the normal matter, the baryons, only accounts for a small fraction of about 6% of the total gravitating matter, which is even significantly lower than ...

    12 17, 2020
  • Prof. Tao An and collaborators are in the finalists for the 2020 "Gordon Bell Prize"

    [ November 16 , " Processing full - scale Square Kilometre Array workflow on the Summit supercomputer " , with the participation of Professor Tao An and Mr . Baoqiang Lao of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) .DALiuGE is able to manage up to tens of millions of tasks simultaneously , can execute data streams of up to Tb...

    11 18, 2020