Title: Galaxy-Halo Connection for Next Generation Galaxy Surveys Speaker: Ying Zu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Time: 3 pm, May 24 (Thursday) Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor Abstract: We will be inundated with precise measurements of tens of millions of galaxy spectra and billions of galaxy images from future surveys like DESI and LSST, respectively. Combined with high-resolution cosmological simulations, the tremendous statistics will enable robust inference of the probabilistic connection between galaxies and their underlying dark matter halos. I will briefly review the recent development in the studies of galaxy-halo connection, and introduce a novel probabilistic framework for maximizing the scientific return from survey data. I will further argue that this framework provides an exciting avenue for understanding the physics behind the fueling and quenching of star-formation activities in galaxies, independent of and orthogonal to the conventional semi-analytic models or hydro-dynamic simulations. Looking to the future, I will discuss the prospect of revealing the tri-evolution of blackholes, galaxies, and dark matter halos from the combination of DESI and LSST.