Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), an institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was officially established in 1962 following the amalgamation of the former Xujiahui Observatory and Sheshan Observatory, which were founded by French Jesuits in 1872 and 1900, respectively. The general headquarter is now in Xujiahui of Shanghai and several observational bases are set up in Sheshan, Songjiang District of the city.
Astro-geodynamics, Galaxies & Cosmology and Planetary Science are the major basic research fields in SHAO. Meanwhile, SHAO also develops modern technologies for astronomical observations and time & frequency applications. It has some world-class teams in fundamental researches and plays an important role in national key projects such as navigation & positioning and deep space exploration in the fields of applied research.
At present, SHAO consists of five divisions: Shanghai Center for Astro-geodynamics Research, Research Center for Galaxies and Cosmology, Division of Science and Technology for Radio Astronomy, Division of Optical Astronomical Technologies and, Division of Time-frequency Technologies.
The main observational facilities include a 25-meter and a 65-meter radio telescope with a VLBI data processing center, a 1.56-meter optical telescope, and a 60-centimeter satellite laser ranging (SLR) telescope and GPS.
SHAO is among the seven observatories that possess VLBI, SLR and GPS techniques. SHAO also manages the Chinese VLBI Network and the Chinese SLR Network.
SHAO currently has about 242 staff, including one CAS academician, one CAE academician, 98 research fellows and senior engineers, two under the State Talent Program, six recipients of the State “Outstanding Youth” title, and 16 under the CAS “100 Talent” Program.
SHAO now has 72 master degree graduate students, 63 PhD candidates and 23 post-doctoral fellows, among them, 9 post-docs come from abroad.

Large scale structure of the universe and galaxy formation and evolution

Precise orbit determination of the Chinese Lunar project

60cm satellite laser ranging telescope