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Star Formation over Cosmic Time
Update time: 2013-10-31
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Title: Star Formation over Cosmic Time
Speaker: Bruce G. Elmegreen (IBM Watson Lab)
Time & Place: Thursday, 3:00pm, October 31st, 3rd floor Lecture Hall


Abstract: Star formation processes are starting to be understood over a wide range of cosmic epochs starting from the first galaxies, and over a wide range of scales from whole galaxies down to tiny molecular filaments and single-star cores. These processes involve galactic accretion on the largest scales of time and space, and they are initiated by various types of gas compressions including those from supersonic turbulence, spiral arm flows, and pressurized shells. This talk will review our current understanding of star formation in all of these environments, highlighting recent results that are most relevant to the Milky Way.


Biog: Bruce joined IBM in 1984 after holding a faculty position at Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. at Princeton University under the guidance of the late Lyman Spitzer, Jr., and then spent three years as a Junior Fellow at Harvard.

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