A delegation from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) visited Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) on August 17th. The NWO delegation includes Dr. Louis Vertegaal, Director of Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics, and Dr. Ronald Stark, Head of Astronomy, as well as Mr. Jingmin Kan, Assis...
08 31, 2010The APSG(Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics program)Workshop 2010 on Progress in Space Geodesy and Earth Environment Change was held in Shanghai,China,on 16-20 August 2010(www. Cn/APSG/).It was organized by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory(SHAO)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and cooperatively sponsored by APSG Central Bure...
08 26, 2010Shanghai Astronomical Observatory obtained 2010 Funding for the Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists 。 CAS funding of the year 2010 for the Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists was announced days ago. This Project is an important part of Overseas Intelligence Introduction and Internation...
06 17, 2010Invited by National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC), Dr. Christian Veillet, the executive director of Canada – Fance – Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) made an academic visit to China from April 5 to April 13. During his stay in China, Dr. Veillet visited Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) between April 11 and 13.
04 27, 2010On Mar.24, 2010. Shanghai science and technology awards conference was hold in shanghai exhibition center. Conference was presided by SHANGHAI Mayor Han Zheng. Party secretary Yu Zhengsheng attended and gave key speech. “Galaxies formation theory and observation research”, recommended by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, wins f...
03 31, 2010Prof. Anthony Readhead, the director of Owens Valley Radio Observatory and Strategic Alliance for the Implementation of New Technologies, paid a visit to Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) at the invitation of the director of SHAO Prof. Xiaoyu Hong.
03 26, 2010The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced the 2009 Award for International Cooperation in Science and Technology. Professor/Dr. Gerhard Boerner, recommended by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, from Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Germany, got one of these Awards.
02 08, 2010Very recently, a mid-term evaluation meeting was held at Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) for the Partner Group “Hydrodynamic simulations and galaxy formation”, led by Prof. Xiaohu Yang on the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) side and by Prof. Volker Springel on MPA side
02 01, 2010A huge amount of scientific data has been accumulated by the Chinese CE-1 lunar orbiter. In response to worldwide attention to the Chang’E-1 lunar mission, a series of technical papers authored by Chinese scientists are published in the new special Vol.39 Issue 10 of “Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy” on...
11 13, 2009The newest science issue (Science, Nov. 6, 2009) published a review article on testing general relativity in the cosmos (Ferreira & Starkman, Einstein's theory of gravity and the problem of missing mass). This review article highlighted related research of professor Pengjie Zhang at Shanghai astronomical observatory.
11 12, 2009The Galactic center workshop 2009---The Galactic Center: A window to the Nuclear Environment of Disc Galaxies---was held in Hope Hotel of Shanghai, from Oct. 19-23. The conference was co-chaired by Prof. Feng Yuan of our institute and Prof. Daniel Wang from University of Massachusetts (US) and Prof. Mark Morris in The University of...
10 28, 2009Professor Jeremiah Ostriker from Princeton University visited Shanghai Astronomical Observatory from September 4th to 10th. He was awarded the Einstein Professorship of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the year 2009 and his visit was supported by this program. He gave a lecture entitled “AGN feedback --- the effects of massive black...
09 15, 2009