A Novel Method to Weigh the Milky Way with Its “Missing” Baryons [2020-12-17]
The Milky Way ( MW ) , the Galaxy that we reside in , contains many mysteries .Astronomical observations have provided strong evidence that the Galaxy is dominated by dark matter , while the normal matter , the baryons , only accounts for a small fraction of about 6% of the total gravitating matt... more |
Searching for the Polyphony Players——Compact Group of Galaxies [2019-12-10]
Galaxies are the building blocks of the visible universe , inhabiting a variety of environments .Observations show that over half of the galaxies are located in group systems which have members from a few to dozens .One of the important observational samples of the LAMOST spectral survey is to su... more |
Chinese Scientists Complete First SKA Regional Center Prototype [2019-11-22]
Chinese scientists have developed the first regional center prototype of the Square Kilometer Array ( SKA ) , the world ' s largest astronomical device .The prototype , developed by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the C... more |
Searching the predecessor of the merging galaxy [2019-07-19]
On a clear night in 1785 , William Herschel used his own telescope to observe as usual .The difference is that this night he found a very unusual celestial object in Corvus ( the Antennae Galaxy , Fig .Since then , such kind of celestial objects , called the merging galaxies , have fascinated cou... more |